Report Abuse
How to report abuse
If you or someone you know was physically or sexually abused as a minor, the first place to file a report is with law enforcement. Contact the police or sheriff’s department in the city or county where the abuse occurred. If the abuse occurred in San Diego County, you can also contact San Diego County Child Welfare Services at 858-560-2191. If the abuse occurred in Imperial County, you can contact Imperial County Child and Family Services at 866-858-7750.
If you believe that the suspected abuser is currently a priest in ministry or is an employee or volunteer in the Diocese, please get in touch with our Victim Assistance Coordinator immediately so we can take steps to prevent further abuse. The Victim Abuse Hotline takes calls 24 hours a day in English and Spanish at 858-490-8353 or via email at
Senior Citizens & Dependent Adults
If you know or suspect an elderly person or dependent adult is being abused, contact Adult Protective Services in your area. Click here for San Diego County or click here for Imperial County.
If you are a Mandated Reporter
Physicians, priests, teachers, counselors and many other professionals are mandated reporters under California law and are required to report any suspected abuse of minors, senior citizens and dependent adults. Mandated reporters are required to contact law enforcement or child/adult protective services and file a written report within 36 hours. To download a “Suspected Child Abuse Report” click here. Instructions can be found here. To download a “Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Abuse Report” click here.